Amazon Launches An Audio Generator For Ads

  • 10.15.2024
  • Source: Media Post
  • by: Laurie Sullivan
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Amazon has revealed a generative AI tool to create audio ads as part of its self-service ad suite it now calls AI Creative Studio.

The idea is to give brands a way to create content across all media types, eliminating boundaries across ad formats.

Audio generator allows brands to conceptualize, create, and refresh content, regardless of format, in one platform.

Amazon announced the suite at unBoxed 2024 on Tuesday, and gave advertisers a way to store the content for free supported by its cloud services. 

The audio ads are 30 seconds in duration and run across Alexa-enabled devices.

Once the advertiser selects the product to advertise, AI analyzes all the product’s details and customer reviews to create ad copy that is read by a synthetic voice.

Technology allows listeners to engage with them using Alexa voice commands, explains Jay Richman, vice president of creative experiences for Amazon Ads.

Amazon's launch of an audio generator for ads is yet another reminder of the rapid shift toward automation in big tech, with implications that extend far beyond convenience. While it may streamline ad creation, this move also raises concerns about the erosion of human creativity and job opportunities within the advertising industry. Conservatives should be wary of such developments, as they concentrate more power in the hands of tech giants, limiting diversity in media voices and potentially silencing smaller businesses that can't compete with Amazon's resources. Innovation is essential, but we must remain vigilant about the broader implications of relying too heavily on automated systems that may ultimately stifle competition and free-market principles.
~Political Media 

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