Case Study: Free Our Marine

  • Thursday, June 19, 2014
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The Challenge:
Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi was arrested on March 31st, 2014 for accidentally crossing the Mexican border with his legally owned guns. A little over three months since the arrest, he is still not free. Tahmooressi was brutally beaten and chained to his bed, and left without a court date for much too long. Supporters of Tahmooressi began to mobilize in efforts to free Sgt. Tahmooressi, but their support failed to catch the attention of Congress and the administration. Our client, Conservative Victory PAC felt compelled to act.
Our Action:
Conservative Victory PAC called on Political Media to create the movement to free Sgt. Tahmooressi. We launched the website and a social media campaign. Political Media built a coalition of conservative organizations to host a rally to free Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi at the Mexican Embassy in Washington D.C. The rally featured many honored guests and speakers including Ken Timmerman, Shak Hill, and Ambassador Alan Keyes.
The Result:
The rally received worldwide TV/news coverage, including a top link on Drudge. This increased media coverage and grassroots presence prompted action from Rep. Duncan Hunter, Rep. Ed Royce, Rep. Matt Salmon, and many others. After massive nationwide coverage and 214 days in a Mexican prison, Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi returned home to Florida on November 1st. Now that he’s home, let’s hope that he--and thousands of other vets suffering from PTSD-- receive the care and support that they have earned.

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