Case Study: The Million Vet March

  • Sunday, October 13, 2013
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The Challenge:
The Government Shutdown of 2013 pitted the Democrats & moderate Republicans v. Conservatives. Obama with the helpful aid of the Mainstream Media controlled the narrative stating that the GOP was to blame for the Shutdown. In an effort to turn even Veterans against the GOP during the shutdown the Obama Administration erected barricades around the War Memorials and National Parks. The President reprehensibly turned the last surviving WWII veterans away from the WWII Memorial in their name.
Our Action:
Political Media acting on behalf of Special Operations Speaks, PAC organized and executed the most compelling, effective act of civil disobedience in American history, the Million Veterans March at the WWII Memorial. In four days, our operation reached out to tens of millions of Americans and veterans across the nation by integrating online ads, social media, email marketing, and earned media including wall to wall coverage on Fox News, and a top link on Drudge for four days, radio, print and network news. 
The Result:
History. We turned over 10,000 veterans out to the WWII Memorial. In a tear inducing moment the veterans tore down the barricades and piled them neatly on the side of the road. The event featured speakers Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and others. Once the event ended, the veterans tore down the barricades at the Vietnam Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial and proceeded to carry them to the White House and deposit them at the White House gate.

"There, I guess King George will be able to read that." -- John Hancock

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