Case Study: The Benghazi Scroll Out

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The Challenge:
There are many in the Obama Administration, the Mainstream Media and the U.S. Congress that would like to see the Benghazi story dead and buried. The President sent Ambassador Susan Rice on televised tour of the Sunday morning shows to pitch the Administrations cover story for the Benghazi Massacre during the 2012 Presidential Elections. Our client, Special Operations Speaks PAC (SOS) challenged the Administration’s version of events and has not relented. Experts, guru’s, members of Congress and media have all proclaimed the Benghazi story dead. SOS has resurrected Benghazi to the front pages on four separate occasions including the “Scroll Out on the Capitol”.
Our Action:
Political Media developed the idea to print the 1,000 Spec Ops Vets signatures on a 60’ x 4’ scroll to unravel at a major media event on the U.S. Capitol lawn.
The Result:
Benghazi spent weeks in the media in front of the other competing scandals: The IRS targeting, AP and the NSA. The Benghazi investigation dominated the media until the threat of war in Syria and the Government Shutdown pushed it off the lead. Special Operations Speaks PAC gained national recognition as the leading force behind the Benghazi investigation. We successfully put together enough grassroots pressure on Congress that Speaker Boehner eventually cracked and formed the select committee on Benghazi, with Rep. Trey Gowdy as its chair.

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